Emilio Vicente
Director of the General and Digestive Surgery Service
Sanchinarro University Hospital
milio Vicente pez is Director of the General and Digestive Surgery Service at "Sanchinarro University Hospital" and "Clara Campal" Oncological Center. Chairman of the Surgery Section at Faculty of Medicine. San Pablo University, CEU. Other professional positions: Digestive Viscera Transplant Program Director at Ramy Cajal Hospital (Madrid, Spain). Chief of the General Surgery Section at Ram Cajal General Hospital (Madrid, Spain). Professor of surgery at Alcal University (Madrid, Spain). Complementary training: Pittsburgh University (USA), Mayo Clinic (USA), Memorial Sloan Ketering Cancer Center (USA), Chicago University (USA), Nebraska University (USA), Kyoto University (Japan), Seul University (South Korea). Medical areas of interest: Hepatobiliopancreatic surgery; oncologic digestive surgery; liver, intestinal and multivisceral transplant.
Research Interest
Hepatobiliopancreatic surgery; oncologic digestive surgery; liver, intestinal and multivisceral transplant.